This Champagne Is Burned is a video piece, which explores the notion of translation as extended authorship (Gentzler, 2016), its discrepancies, its paradoxical nature as well as its potential of being a politically subversive gesture.
It examines dubbing as a form of appropriation and neutralization of the original content, be it visual or auditive, juxtaposing and re-contextualizing material from the domain of pop-culture using techniques and processes found in audio-visual translation, such as vague musical descriptions in closed captions, semantic misrepresentations, kinetic subtitles and interview as a form of cross-cultural translation.
Kristjana Helgadóttir
Ingólfur Vilhjálmsson
Gunnhildur Einarsdóttir
Matthias Engler
Commissioned by Darmstädter Ferienkurse 2021, premiered at Centralstation Darmstadt in August 2021.